Notting Hill Carnival: A day of music, dance and revelry

Tuesday 27 August 2013 0 comments

Notting Hill Carnival is the world's biggest street festival held annually at Notting Hill, London led primarily by the west Indian community. I heard a lot about this event during my many visits to UK and it has been on my things to do list since quite some long time. Finally I got the chance to plan a visit to this crazy festival during this bank holiday when I was working on a project at UK. Just to give an idea of the scale of this festival there are around twenty miles of vibrant colourful costumes surrounding over 40 static sound systems, hundreds of Caribbean food stalls, over 40,000 volunteers and over 1 million Notting Hill carnival revellers.

I took a train from Solihull to London Marylebone and planned to use the tube to reach the Notting Hill tube station where I thought the main action would be. While boarding the tube I discovered that they closed the Notting hill station and I had to get down one station before that which was Bays water. The moment I got out of the Bays water tube station I was swamped by a crowd of revellers moving towards Notting hill. The whole street was flooded with beer guzzling revellers whistling and making noise. There was no traffic on the streets as the whole area was closed for traffic because of the carnival. As we approached Notting Hill we could hear the loud musical sounds coming from the carnival.

The carnival goes through a circular route of around 20 kilometres and I had reached one end of the route close to the point where it starts. I managed to find a good spot to stand and barely managed to sneak in closer to the street and decided to put my camera to action. I have nothing more to say except that these pictures speak for themselves. A truly mesmerizing experience. They say that if you can't visit the carnival at Rio Notting hill is the next best things you can go to.

Watch out this space for more coverage of London events right from London zoo to Latin dance festival to air shows. London never fails to entertain you.


Lazy Traveller © 2013