A Day Trip to Llandudno, Wales

Sunday 14 April 2013

This was August, 2004. We had explored quite a few places near Coventry and were looking forward to exploring something which is a little faraway from Coventry and can be covered in a day. Wales had been on our radar for some time and finally we shortlisted Llandudno, a beach resort in north wales.

Wales is one of the counties on the western shore of united kingdom as you can see from the sticky in the map on the left. Llandudno is wales's largest seaside resort. It's fairly well connected by the train network and you start getting scenic views of the seaside about a hour before you reach Llandudno.
When we came out of the train station we were a bit disappointed as it looked like an old town with Victorian style buildings and nothing very exciting visible on the first look. On exploring a bit we found that there is mountain in Llandudno which seemed like the center of attraction.

Victorian Buildings
There were two interesting ways available to get to the top of the mountain: Cable car and the tram. We decided that we will use the cable to the top and will use the tram while coming so as to enjoy the best of the two modes.

While walking to the cable car station we had to pass through portions of beach which was bustling with activity. We spotted that there was a speedboat ride available for tourists. We decided to have a quick ride in the boat before starting our journey to the mountain top. It was a long very high speed boat and the weather was very cold and windy. So all in all it was a very thrilling ride.

View from Cable Car
Finally we started our journey to the top in a small cable car box. As we reached higher and higher the views started getting scenic. You can see the amazing views of the Llandudno seaside from the photo on the left.

A Hotel on mountain top

Further high up we noticed a hotel situated midst scenic surroundings as you can see in the photo on the right. It was an unspoiled green hillside with sheep grazing around.

King, Queen and Me
Me and the Sheep

Once we reached the mountain top there were many interesting things to see and do as you see from these photos.

Happy Valley Garden
Mountain Top

Happy Valley Garden

Happy Valley Garden
There was a beautiful landscaped garden at the bottom where the tram car starts. This ornamental garden is known as Happy Valley and we literally became very happy and delighted roaming around this garden with spectacular views.

Incredible views of the seaside were visible from the happy valley garden.

And finally it was time to return using the tram. On the way back we noticed an array of small houses painted in vivid colors which looked more like toy houses. By this time we were completely exhausted. It was time for another long train journey back to our house at Coventry.


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