About Lazy Traveller

Friday 12 April 2013

Having spent a better part of my life dozing around and staying stationary it's only natural that this aspect of my life has seeped into my travel experiences as well. This is a collection of interesting lazy travel diaries from various parts of the globe. You won't find any hiking, biking or bungy jumping at my blog. All you will find is a nice collection of old fashioned tourist attractions at which you can travel with comfort without twisting your body too much. Most of the time you will find me sitting in a train, boat or walking around calmly enjoying the fascinating places around globe.

I was born in a sleepy small border town in India touching Nepal. Travelling the world was one of my childhood dreams and when it was time to choose a career my only selection criteria was that whether it would allow me to travel the world. A career in IT came as a natural choice as that was the time Indian IT companies were setting up their global footprints.


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