Life at Coventry 1

Friday 12 April 2013

This is the second blog of my series of blogs on my life at Coventry - Life at Coventry.
This was September 2001 and 4 months had passed since I arrived at UK. I was getting used to life at Coventry. My wife joined me too in July and we shifted to a nice apartment at a decent and very English locality called Canal Basin.  It was called Canal Basin because one of the canals was terminating at this place and in fact this canal passed right opposite our apartment.

For those new to UK, the canals of the United Kingdom are a major part of the network of inland waterways in the United Kingdom. They have a colorful history, from use for irrigation and transport, through becoming the focus of the Industrial Revolution, to today's role for recreational boating. Despite a period of abandonment, today the canal system in the United Kingdom is again in increasing use, with abandoned and derelict canals being reopened, and the construction of some new routes.

Life at canal basin was nothing sort of rediscovering my life. The canal was the epicenter of our life. I used to walk by the side of the canal in the morning while going to my office. Be it the bright green patches of vegetation on both sides of the canal or the heavenly white swans playing in the water, they were all part of this rediscovery. It was quite an experience after going through years of mad rush at Delhi.

Over the weekends we used to descend on the canal with our morning cup of tea. The swans got friendly with us too and used to swim closer to us eagerly expecting some food. I never realized how much joy all these simple pleasures of day to day life can bring.

Come October and it was time for me to experience the first snow fall at UK. In fact this was my first experience of a snowfall in my life so it was quite a magical experience. It was around 10 pm in the night and it started snowing all of  a sudden. I came out and started playing with snow. You can see my excitement from the picture at the left.

That's all for now till my next blog on life at Coventry.


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